The world has... Lance Amstrong, champion of Tour de France for a record-breaking 7x through 1999-2005. Prior to this, he also survived testicular cancer, a germ cell tumor that metastasized to his brains and lungs, in 1996. His cancer treatments included brain and testicular surgery and extensive chemotherapy, and his prognosis was not originally considered to be great.

The world has... Tiger Woods who in 2008 accumulated 14 golf Majors and played the 2008 US Open injured with a knee ACL and a double hairline fracture in his leg and won. Simply amazing.

The world has... Oscar Pistorius a double amputee South African wanting to participate the Beijing Olympics 2008, and compete with abled runners. They called him the blade runner

And the world also has... Naje, whom we hope can have a miraculous recovery of a brain encephalitis. He is still in coma in the ICU ward of the Damansara Specialist Centre, but there are positive signs of imminent recovery. We know that he is fighting strong, and we'll pray beside him all the way
Salam Troy16
Thank you for linking to my blog. Miracles do happen, alhamdulillah!
great to know that he is up and running. insyallah a total recovery would be sooner than later
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