It is our colourful family, and its not often that we can be together as Jar Jar Binks is always occupied with his studies and with his 'better-half'...

Pic above is a pose by Jar Jar Binks in Bali Nov 2008, when he went for a study trip with the HBP team from USM. A distant cousin to Mr Bean, he ain't shy in posing several candids with Perth as the backdrop.

A morning snapshot near the minden gate in USM. Left to right; Yoda, Chewbacca, Ewok & Jar Jar Binks. We had a great family photography outing, albeit a short session...

Two days before, my wife and I went round Georgetown heritage sites together with New2Mac, Citan, Canonteh...one of the images i have uploaded
here in flickr
hello bro... pergi heritage penang photo tour apa pasal tak panggil I?
he he... itu last minute punya arrangement la, bangun tidor terusss pergi heritage. Kalau berani, bagi tau dimana, sabtu nih?
Sabtu tu I makan lunch dengan kawan laa... Ingat apa ni?
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