These shots went out of the B&W conventions which normally require contrast and texture to enhance a monochrome image. Some say that rules are meant to be broken, and yes, these images below just did that. While most of the time rule of thirds plays an important principle in image composition, its cool to sometimes flaunt and see what happens.
This image is intended as a minimalist capture, it looks simple but I believe it carries a strong message of tranquility. When captured wide at 17mm, the scene looks busy but once the field of view is narrowed to 24mm a totally different compposition is achieved. Voila!
Here is another with stronger perspective feel. Cropping presented me with the option of isolating some distraction that appears on the left part of the original image.

This little boy threw his tantrum when his mother scolded him for some mischief. Taking advantage of his emotion and natural facial expression, I clicked a stream of shutters to capture every nuances he could provide. I find this image very amusing, and presented him a dollar upon which he gave me a wicked smile in return. Oh, how simple is his thoughts are, hence the title...Simplicity